Florida Workers' Compensation Lawyers

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Florida workers’ Compensation Medical Benefits

Florida Attorneys Offer Personalized Legal Help with Workers’ compensation Medical Benefits


If you are injured or become ill in the course of employment, obtaining appropriate Workers’ compensation medical benefits is essential. The legal team at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. is dedicated to helping you navigate the Workers’ compensation system to obtain the medical help and financial support you need.

Helping you understand the medical compensation available to you and ensuring you receive eligible benefits is our law firm’s goal. With offices located in Boca Raton, Orlando, and West Palm Beach, we offer you timely, knowledgeable help in obtaining the Workers’ compensation benefits you are entitled to by law.

Some Of The Main Areas We Serve Can Be Found Below:

Understanding Workers’ compensation medical benefits

Workers’ are injured on the job every day. Under the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), you are entitled to a safe workplace. If injured, you are entitled to medical compensation and benefits under Florida State law.

The delivery of medical care is the primary focus of the Florida Workers’ compensation program, regardless of who was at fault. Your employer is responsible for Workers’ compensation medical benefits, including the following:

  • Necessary medical care, including hospitalization, surgery, supplies, prescriptions, doctor and specialist visits, diagnostic and other medical tests, and prosthesis
  • Mileage reimbursement for traveling to doctor appointments
  • Specialized equipment, such as a wheelchair or other necessary medical devices

Because your employer or their insurer is paying for your medical care, your treatment must be arranged through a health care provider authorized through your employer. Choosing care by your own physician or another doctor not authorized by the insurer can result in loss of payment for medical benefits.

Common Problems With Workers’ Compensation Medical Benefits

After an injury, it is common to experience some difficulties receiving adequate or needed medical care from health care providers designated by your employer.

With successful experience protecting the rights of our clients, the Sternberg legal team can assist you with these common problems, including the following:

  • You were advised you are well enough to return to work when you are not
  • Appropriate medical tests were not ordered or performed to assess or treat your condition
  • A physician argues or reports that your injury was not job related
  • Pain or other discomfort was not acknowledged or assessed by your health care provider
  • A necessary specialist referral was not provided

Good medical care is essential to helping you recover from your injuries so you can return to work. This is just one reason why it is important to seek legal advice on Workers’ compensation medical benefits.

Speak With Workers’ Compensation Medical Benefits In Florida

Representing clients throughout Florida, Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. offers exceptional legal service and client support if you are injured or become ill due to workplace conditions.

If needed, we offer evening and weekend appointments and will travel to you if you are unable to come to our offices in Orlando, Boca Raton or West Palm Beach. Contact us online or at 561.687.5660 to arrange a consultation today.

If You have suffered a work injury you are entitle to medical expenses, wages and even a lump payment. Your Have Rights.