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Which Industries Have the Most Workers’ Compensation Claims?

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Businesses required to provide workers’ compensation must purchase coverage from insurance companies, and their rates are based on previous claims and the overall likelihood of claims within a specific industry. Employees working in the following industries are at higher risk of sustaining an injury and filing a workers’ compensation claim.


As an inherently risky field, construction sees more than its fair share of workers’ compensation claims. Injuries occurring in this field are likely to be serious, as construction is one of the top five industries reporting fatal employee injuries. Workers in this field are at risk of injuries from motor vehicle accidents, since many projects involve working on or near busy roadways. Construction workers are also at risk of being struck or crushed by heavy objects or equipment.

Transportation and Warehousing

This broad sector of employment covers several different industries. Employees transporting passengers or cargo report high rates of injury. Vehicle accidents are extremely common and vary widely in severity. Those working in warehouses put their bodies under enormous amounts of stress while packing, unpacking, and stocking cargo.

Employees often work in a wide range of temperatures and environments, putting them at further risk of injury or illness. Common causes of injury in the transportation and warehousing industry include slippery work surfaces, exposure to toxic chemicals, stress injuries caused by the loading and unloading of cargo, equipment hazards, and fatigue.


Nurses, nursing assistants, dental professionals, and others in the healthcare industry are at high risk for work-related injuries. This field involves frequent exposure to biological hazards and blood borne pathogens, increasing illness rates across the industry.

Employees who lift, transport, or provide physical therapy to patients could suffer from stress injuries or overexertion. Workers employed in healthcare labs or medical imaging centers could be at risk of disease, due to their exposure to x-ray technology and radiation. In some cases and in some medical specialties, patients intentionally injure healthcare workers.


Agriculture is the backbone of the country, but those who work in this field are also at serious risk of work-related accidents and illness. Those working in the agricultural sector work with a wide range of machines and equipment. Injuries can be caused by human error or machine malfunction. Farming also requires frequent exposure to pesticides and other chemicals. This puts farmers at risk of respiratory disease. This industry also covers several related fields, including conservation workers, fishing and hunting, and forestry, each of which presents its own unique risks.


The hospitality industry, a smaller section of the service industry, includes those who prepare and serve food, work in hotels, or work in other sectors of the tourism field. While many injuries reported in this field are fairly minor, they do require treatment and increase workers’ compensation costs for companies. Hospitality employees may suffer from repetitive stress injuries, slip-and-fall accidents, lifting injuries, and reactions to hazardous cleaning chemicals.

Injured on the Job? Get the Compensation You Deserve

A workplace injury shouldn’t leave you worrying about lost income, medical bills, and your job security. If you need help with your workers’ compensation claim, Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. is here to help. Call our West Palm Beach office at 561-687-5660 to discuss your legal options.

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