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When Can I Expect Workers’ Compensation Payments?

When Can I Expect Workers Compensation Payments 1

Filing for workers’ compensation benefits after suffering an injury on the job or becoming ill due to your work environment is an important way to keep the money coming in while you are unable to work. It’s important for you to notify your employer as soon as possible following an injury or illness related to your employment so that the claim process can begin and workers’ compensation payments can be initiated. Today, we will take a look at the way workers’ compensation payments are issued and how often you can expect the checks in your mailbox or deposits in your checking account in Florida.

When Do the Benefits Start?

Informing your employer of an injury or illness related to your job is the first step in moving forward with a workers’ compensation claim. You need to tell your employer as quickly as possible so they can provide you with the form to complete that must be sent to the state. So, when do the benefits start?

For medical benefits, the start date is immediately after you file the claim. Payment for medical expenses related to your injury or illness will be covered by either your employer, your employer’s insurance company, or the state of Florida. The claim does not have to be approved prior to medical coverage activating so you are not on the hook for the bills.

Non-medical benefits will not start until the claim is officially approved. If the claim is initially denied you will not receive benefits until you appeal and then win the appeal. If you win the appeal, the benefits will start.

When Should I Get a Check?

Now that you know when the benefits will start you are likely wondering when the checks will start arriving in your mailbox or the direct deposits start showing up in your checking account. The checks will be sent at least twice per month and never less than that, according to workers’ compensation laws. If you are paid once per week, the checks should arrive weekly. This is an advantage if your normal salary is only paid once per month. Despite this, you should receive checks every two weeks because of the law.

Is Workers’ Comp Tax Exempt?

The next question many employees want an answer to surrounds the tax status of workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits are tax exempt, which means there will be no with holdings from the checks you receive and you do not need to claim the payments as income on your annual tax returns. If you receive Social Security Disability Insurance and workers’ compensation payments, the workers’ compensation payments can be taxed, but only a small amount.

Schedule a Consultation with an Attorney

If you have not been receiving workers’ compensation checks on time you need to fight for your rights. Call an experienced workers’ compensation attorney from the firm of Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A., Attorneys at Law to schedule a consultation. We are conveniently located at 560 Village Blvd Suite 270 in West Palm Beach. Call the office at 561-687-5660 to speak with a trusted attorney about your situation.

Additional Reading

6 Common Work Injuries in Miami, FL

Tips for Reporting Injuries at Work

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