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Tips on Returning to the Job after a Work Injury in Florida

tips on returning to job after work injury florida

If you are injured while on the job in Florida, the ultimate goal is to recover and return to work. While some injuries can make this impossible, many injured workers want to return to work and return to their jobs because it helps pay the bills and gives them a sense of purpose and meaning. 

While workers’ compensation benefits are helpful when it comes to covering medical costs and other financial losses resulting from the injury, it doesn’t replace your full-time salary or the benefits you once had. 

If you believe you are ready to return to work after an injury and receive workers’ compensation, you may want to move fast. However, you should be careful and consider a few things. For example, you need to ensure you have fully recovered from your injuries or that your doctor has let you know you have recovered enough to go back to your prior job and duties. 

While this can be a challenging transition for some, a few tips will make it easier for the worker and employer. 

Keep Communicating with Your Employer 

It’s smart to keep your manager or employer abreast of what’s going on when it comes to your injury, recovery, and if you plan to go back to work when the doctor approves you to do so. You can also let them know other related information, including your projected return date. Ongoing communication also helps to show your employer that you aren’t trying to take advantage of the situation or “faking it.”

It’s beneficial for the employer, too. For example, they can prepare when they know an approximate timeline of when you will return to work. For example, if you must return but have some work-related restrictions and you have your employer know ahead of time, it will be easier for them to find a job that accommodates the restrictions you have. If you don’t communicate with your employer and you just show up without letting them know, it will make the transition back to work more challenging for everyone. 

While communication is important, it doesn’t mean that your employer nor their insurance provider can use this to encourage you or pressure you to come back to work too soon. If you ever feel like you are being pressured to return to work before you are ready or threatened with your workers’ compensation benefits, get in touch with our legal team at Sternberg Forsythe, P.A. We will ensure that your rights are protected and that you only return to work when you are ready. 

Never Return to Work Until You Feel Like You Are Ready

If you have spoken to your doctor, but they haven’t cleared you to return to work, you shouldn’t try to. If you attempt to go back to work too early, it can impact your recovery and may even result in a re-injury. 

Sometimes you may feel fine and want to go back to work. However, it’s not a good idea to do this without a doctor’s clearance. You want to ensure you can do your job and handle the given tasks well and safely. If you go back to your job early, it can cause many trouble and complications. 

You may have some medical restrictions from your doctor when you return to work in some situations. It’s important to follow these guidelines to ensure you can fully recover from the injury. If you go back to work because you “feel fine” and against your doctor’s advice, this is only going to increase the risk of you re-injuring yourself and more frustration and issues for both you and your employer. 

If you are having financial troubles because of being out of work or if your employer is pressuring you to come back to work before you are ready or before your doctor approves this, it’s best to call us and discuss your situation. We will take steps to help protect your health and your workers’ compensation benefits. 

For workers who are thinking about returning to work after their Florida workers’ compensation benefits are denied or modified due to financial pressure or concerns, contact us right away. We can review what options are available to you and may be able to help recover the benefits you need if you are unable to work. 

What To Do If Your Doctor Clears You to Return to Work

If the doctor who has been treating your injury clears you to return to work, be sure to discuss the job duties you will have. Ask the doctor if they believe your injury will require medical restrictions. For example, did you work in a job prior to your injury that required you to do heavy lifting? If so, you need to ask your doctor if they believe you are ready to do the same tasks that you did before the injury. 

Getting back to work after an at-work injury can be difficult. This is especially the case if you aren’t sure if you are recovered enough to do the same things you did prior to the injury. Because of this, it may be a good idea to speak to our legal team. 

Let Our Florida Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Help with Your Case

Contact our Florida workers’ compensation attorneys if you are recovering from a workplace accident and concerned about returning to work. We can review your situation and the options you have. 

Also, if your employer or their insurance provider tries to pressure you to return to work before you are ready, we can help. We will ensure that you continue to receive the benefits you deserve for the at-work injury you suffered. However, we can only help if you reach out to our legal team. We will ensure that you receive the benefits you deserve for the at-work accident you experienced. Contact us today so we can get started and help you. 

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