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The Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in Florida

Dangerous Jobs in Florida 1

It is definitely possible to be injured at virtually any job, but some positions are more prone to injuries than others. Florida’s business sectors are somewhat unique compared to the rest of the United States, and some of the most dangerous jobs in Florida are not the same as the rest of the country.

The Most Dangerous Jobs in the United States

On a yearly basis, there are roughly 127 worker deaths per 100,000 workers. Some business sectors are inherently more dangerous than others, and the majority of fatalities occur in just a few industries.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, here are the top ten most dangerous jobs in the United States.

1. Fishing: Fishing workers suffer fatalities at a rate of 116 per 100,000 workers. Weather is a major factor in this profession, and it is often unpredictable.

2. Logger: Fatalities in this sector are roughly 92 per 100,000 workers. Falling trees, weather, and large, dangerous equipment make for a relatively dangerous work environment.

3. Airplane Pilot: Pilots suffer at a rate of 71 per 100,000 workers. Bad weather, equipment failure, and pilot error are usually the most common causes of airplane crashes.

4. Farmer and Rancher: At a rate of 41 to 100,000, farming or ranch work comes in as number four. Working with animals and large equipment can be deadly.

5. Mining Machine Operator: Deaths occur in this industry at a rate of 39 per 100,000 workers. Some years have more accidents and deaths than others, but the number of deaths have decreased in recent years.

6. Roofer: Roofers die at a rate of about 32 per 100,000 workers. Any position that includes heights will increase the risk of serious injury or death, but roofing also involves dangerous tools as well.

7. Sanitation and Recycling Workers: Most would be surprised to hear that fatality rates for sanitation workers are about 30 per 100,000 workers. City streets can be a dangerous place, especially with impatient and careless drivers.

8. Truck Drivers and Delivery Workers: More than 3 million people drive trucks for a living in the United States, so it is no surprise that there are 22 deaths per 100,000 workers.

9. Industrial Machine Repair Workers: In this type of position, the machines and the chemicals used to make the machines work can both be dangerous. There are 20 deaths per 100,000 workers in this sector.

10. Police Officers: Police officer fatalities occur at a rate of 18 per 100,000 workers. Some may be surprised that police officers fall toward the bottom of this list, but they have actually only made the national list because police deaths have been on the rise since 2011.

Dangerous Jobs in Florida

Florida’s dangerous jobs vary slightly from those in the United States. Below are the following top fatality jobs in Florida:

  • Drivers and Truck Drivers
  • Construction Laborers
  • Grounds Maintenance Workers
  • Police Officers
  • First-Line Supervisors/Managers, Sales Workers
  • Laborers and Material Movers
  • Electricians
  • Building Cleaning Workers (including janitors, maids, and window washers)
  • Roofers
  • Agricultural Workers

The chances of dying are still relatively low for workers in Florida. In 2014, there were 221 fatal injuries that occurred in the workplace. Most of the fatal injuries are the result of transportation accidents. Falls, slips, and trips are the second-most common fatal injury that occur in the workplace in Florida. The third-highest fatal occupational cause of death is due to violence by people or animals.

The majority of those killed in the workplace are wage and salary employees; they are not self-employed. In most years, the average worker that is killed on the job in Florida is approximately 50 years old, white, male, and usually a truck driver.

Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney Florida

Deadly accidents can occur in virtually any workplace. When they do occur, workers’ compensation benefits may be available to the deceased worker’s family. Find out more by speaking to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney Florida.

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