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Keep These Tips in Mind When Filing Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

West Palm Beach Workers Compensation

If you have been seriously injured or sustained a diagnosis for a workers’ compensation related illness in West Palm Beach, how you choose to handle your claim can have a significant impact on your own feelings about managing the stress associated with the injury as well as the prompt examination and payment from your claim.

These cases can be extremely complicated and it is important to keep the following tips in mind when filing a claim. Although some of these steps may seem minor or relatively simple, skipping over them could compromise your ability to recover benefits.

Tell Your Employer Right Away

Do not wait to see if the pain will subside or if the injury is severe enough to warrant a workers’ compensation claim. You need to report any on the job injury to your employer immediately. If you choose not to report it, you may be asking for trouble and setting yourself up to have your claim denied completely.

Do not ignore discomfort associated with the pain or try to tough things out. Instead it is strongly recommended that you report the injury and associated event to your employer and get medical attention. Some injuries associated with a workers’ compensation accident, including those associated with the head, back or neck may not be immediately apparent.

This is why it is better to be safe than sorry and report the accident just in case. If you allow the time limit to pass, you may have to pay all of your medical bills all by yourself and this can be extremely frustrating and overwhelming for someone already coping with the pain of an accident.

Also Read: Don’t Waste Time! Why You Need to Report Your Workers’ Comp Claim Now

Fill Out Any Forms in Full

You will need to fill out any workers’ compensation claim form given to you by your employer promptly. Make sure that this is filled out in full and that you double check it. This is the first official notice that you give to your employer about a workplace accident.

You may slow down the compensation evaluation and payment process by missing pertinent details such as your social security number, email address, time of the injury, description of what happened in the injury, any medical treatment you have already received and contact information for any witnesses.

Speak to the person in the office who supplies you with the initial form to turn it back in or ask your human resource to receive the workers’ compensation injury form.

Follow All Physician’s Orders

If the physician treating you tells you that you need to take some time off of work in order to recover, comply with his or her advice. It is imperative that you attend any and all appointments associated with your own physician as well as the physician that the insurance company or your employer asks you to attend.

Failing to keep in contact could lead to some of your benefits being denied and the insurance company may stipulate that you did not follow doctor’s orders and thus give them further reason to deny your claim.

Do not give them any ammunition to delay or deny your claim entirely. Keep up with all doctor’s appointments and maintain notes of what happens at every appointment afterwards for your own individual records.

Frequently Asked Question About Workers’ Compensation

Don’t Minimize Your Rights

Many people who are injured on the job do not realize the full extent of their rights. For example, you cannot be fired or reprimanded for filing a workers’ compensation claim.

This is a violation of state and federal law. If you are injured in any way that prevents you from being able to do your job, your employer, however, does have the right to replace you but he or she should investigate options to allow you to do light duty or be placed in another position.

Keep Records of Any Expenses Linked to Your Treatment

Any expenses that you incur while receiving treatment for injuries associated with your workers’ compensation claim should be copied. Give one copy to your West Palm Beach workers’ compensation attorney and keep another copy for yourself.

This may prove crucial down the line as you attempt to illustrate the significant costs you have already incurred as a result of your injuries as well as the potential costs in the future.

Also Read: 10 Reasons Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Will be Denied

Don’t Wait Contact An Expert West Palm Beach Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today

Speaking with a lawyer can be extremely valuable when facing a workers’ compensation claim. Contact our West Palm Beach workers’ compensation claim attorney today to learn more.

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