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Florida’s Workers’ Compensation Laws: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Frequently Asked Questions about workers’ compensation laws

It is important for employers and employees to know a thing or two about Florida’s Workers’ Compensation laws. These laws mandate employers to carry this insurance if they have four or more workers. Generally, the Workers’ Comp system was established to protect employers from lawsuits brought upon them by workers who might get injured in the course of their work.

Here are the frequently asked questions and everything you need to know.

Question 1: Can you sue an employer if you get injured on the job?


The Workers’ Compensation insurance is the exclusive solution if a worker gets injured on the job. It is an insurance cover that was created to protect employers from potential lawsuits. However, you can sue your employer if they unlawfully failed to offer enough Workers’ Comp cover.

Question 2: What medical benefits are included in the Workers’ Comp?

The law requires your employer to pay for all medical-related costs resulting from workplace injuries – this is facilitated by the Workers’ Compensation insurance cover. The insurance provider will choose the specific medical experts to handle your treatment, with some limited exceptions.

Note that the necessary medical attention is provided for, including surgical work, hospital care, dental care, and more. If your health condition necessitates items such as medical supplies, crutches, braces, and prescriptions, the insurance policy should cover them. Also, all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses associated with the treatment process should be subject to reimbursement.

Question 3: Will you get compensation for time off your job due to the injuries you sustained?

In Florida, an injured employee is entitled to get paid 2/3 of the weekly wage they earned before the injuries. This compensation will be provided for the specific period you miss from work up to the time a medical expert will permit you to get back to work.

Question 4: What types of injuries are covered?

All injuries suffered by a worker involved in an accident while on official duty are covered by the Workers’ Compensation insurance. Other incidences that qualify for compensation benefits include negative impacts of heal issues that occurred over time or long-term sickness. Exposure to chemicals, asbestos poisoning, and exposure to toxins in a manufacturing environment are some of the common examples of workplace-related injuries or illnesses.

Question 5: If you get injured at work, what should you do?

First, report the injury to your employer as soon as possible. Keep in mind that you have up to seven days from the moment you realize you got injured or became sick to notify your employer about the incident and the injuries. If you wait for 30 days or more, you risk the chance of ever filing a Workers’ Compensation claim.

The employer is expected to prepare and give you a copy of the notice of the injury after you’ve signed it. If you intend to seek Workers’ Compensation benefits, you are supposed to file within a period of a year after your last receipt of an authorized medical treatment or compensation or within a period of two years from the date of the event that caused your accidents.

Question 6: Can you get fired for reporting an injury or seeking Workers’ Compensation benefits?

There are specific laws that protect employees from retaliation by their employers for reporting accidents that happen at the workplace. However, this doesn’t make you immune to lay off if your employer intends to downsize, and you’re among the employees to be laid off.

Question 7: What else do you need to do if you were injured on the job?

Well, insurance agencies are the business of making more profits. That means insurance adjusters are experts in finding reasons to deny your claim or pay the lowest possible amount of compensation. They always find a reason to say that you’re an independent contractor, select the specific medical expert you must see or find any reason to justify denying your claim. Therefore, you need an experienced attorney who can fight for you.

If you didn’t find an answer in this article don’t hesitate to contact us today by calling  (561) 430-2124, consultations are free.

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