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Activity Trackers May Soon Determine Personal Injury Cases

Activity Tracker

You use them to measure your steps, you use them to help track calories eaten and burned, but did you know the activity tracker on your wrist may soon be used to prove your personal injury claims? According to a recent article published in Engadget, activity trackers may help prove your injuries in a personal injury claim. The article is based on a Canadian woman who is using her activity tracking device to prove she can no longer perform adequately at her job.

What are Activity Trackers?

Activity trackers are devices that monitor fitness-related metrics. They can monitor everything from the distance you walked to calories you have eaten to your quality of sleep. They are synced with other electronic devices or programs such as your smartphone for long-term tracking.

How Does an Activity Tracker Prove Injury?

Activity trackers monitor your activity levels. While they do not directly prove injury, they can monitor your activity and see if you are below, at or above average activity levels. For someone who was injured, a tracker can help attorneys prove the plaintiff no longer functions at normal activity levels; therefore, the injury has disrupted their lives.

Also Read : 5 Most Common Personal Injury Cases in Florida

Can You Use an Activity Tracker to Prove Your Injury?

As of right now, probably not. While there is an active case in Canada, this case will determine whether activity trackers are better than the testimony of a physician. And, even if the activity tracker shows decreased activity levels, attorneys are still likely to need physician testimony to prove the injury is the source for lower activities. But, if this case is successful, it may spark a change in how personal injury claims are argued and proven.

Also Read : 3 Critical Steps to Take Immediately Following a Personal Injury Event

Need Help with Your Personal Injury Claim?

While you may not have an activity tracker, you can still get professional assistance proving your personal injury claim. The personal injury attorneys at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. have years of experience handling personal injury lawsuits, and we can help you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Contact us today for a free consultation by calling 561-687-5660.

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